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5 principles of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence, also known as EQ (Emotional Quotient), is the ability of any person to behave softly with others, control their emotions and communicate more effectively to manage any situation better. It also involves how someone deals with others, reacts to their actions, and controls their feelings.

Emotional intelligence matters a lot for organizations in their employees and project managers. Daniel Goleman, in 1995, described 5 principles of emotional intelligence in his book “Emotional Intelligence” to analyze the performance of their employees based on their control of interpersonal skills, including their emotions.

5 principles of emotional intelligence                              

There needs to be more than a good personality, good dressing and technical knowledge for a manager or any person to become a good leader and lead all the matters correctly. Emotional intelligence contributes 67% of human personality to groom themselves and become a good leader. It’s essential as IQ level or any skill needed to carry out all matters related to any field. It helps to improve professional relationships with juniors and high administration to develop a friendly working environment.

5 principles of emotional intelligence

Principle 1: Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the basis of emotional intelligence, and from here, the journey of becoming a great leader and good admin starts. It includes self-assessment of yourself, your feelings, and emotions, whether to which extent you have control over them. And your behaviour has which type of effect on your surroundings.

There are many ways to evaluate your emotions, like making a diary where you daily write your routine. Which type of situations do you face, and what kind of reaction do you respond to these situations? Continue it for 30 days. Self-awareness will help you to track your emotions under different conditions and the responses of your coworkers and friends to these emotions. You will know which things make you angry and which items have a pleasant effect on your mood. After that, you can overcome your weak points and make your personality more attractive.

Principle 2: Self-Regulation

Self-regulation refers to controlling your emotions and feelings in every situation, no matter how much worse. You must adapt the behaviour according to the problem and handle other surfaces. If you have made a mistake, you should have the courage to accept it. If your employees make any mistake, then rather than shouting and showing anger at them, you should be capable of finding a better way to address challenges and overcome them.

In such a situation, you can take a long breath, think about the positive things you have in your life or talk to a person with whom you feel comfortable.

Principle 3: Empathy

Empathy is the key to interpersonal skills and becoming a great leader. One of the leading 5 principles of emotions includes understanding other feelings and conditions by placing yourself in their place. In simple words, if a manager sees an employee facing a challenging situation and gets late for the office because of a family problem, then rather than be angry with him, he should think about what he would do if he faced the same situation. And respond according to it.

To develop empathy, you should place yourself in place of your employee to better understand their situation. You should hear them and try to reach the truth before getting angry and making the final decision. It will help to gain employee loyalty and lessen social anxiety.

Principle 4: Motivation

In emotional intelligence, motivation refers to working with loyalty to achieve your goals without the wish of attaining money and any reward. It’s a pure struggle for yourself in which you enjoy to work for your purposes. For this, you must first decide your preferences and set goals according to them. Ups and downs come in life, but standing firm and never disappointing in setbacks makes you a great leader and helps you achieve your goals.

Motivation is about finding positivity in a worse situation and understanding everything is not money. You can achieve happiness by doing things or achieving goals that are more critical for you. Motivate yourself by thinking that a temporary situation can be challenging, but in the end, your goal achievement will cover all those problems you face in the way of achieving it.

Principle 5: Social Skills

Social skills refer to showing friendly and attractive behaviour and engaging others in your proposal, which benefits the whole organization. Social skills are essential for effective communication and building a solid network with employees and other parties, which bring business to your organization. The socially skilled person is adaptive to deal with others appropriately.

A person with those skills is more successful than those who don’t focus on grooming these skills.


By understanding and implementing the 5 principles of emotional intelligence, we will be improving our professional and personal skills. It helps to adopt a positive attitude in bad conditions and reasonably respond to other behaviour. Emotional intelligence leads a person to focus on goals, which ultimately results in achieving authentic happiness and loyalty of employees.

Q: Who is the author of the  5 principles of emotional intelligence?

A: The concept of emotional intelligence and 5 principles of emotional intelligence were given by Daniel Goleman in 1995.

Q: Write down the 5 principles of emotional intelligence.

A: The 5 principles of emotional intelligence include self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation and social skills.



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